Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Erectile dysfunction is a failure to achieve an erection - Vigaplus

Erectile dysfunction is a failure to achieve an erection or when achieved, lost without completion of sexual intercourse. It a problem experienced by almost every man at some stage in life temporarily paralyzing his sexual abilities. But if it is not temporary and persists over a long period, infertility and psychological issues may be expected.

When a man is aroused his brain sends a message to the nerves in the penis, setting in motion a set of events, which eventually result in an erection caused by the blood pumped into the spongy tissues of the penis. This process, in case of erectile dysfunction, gets severely impeded and there could be absolutely any reason for it ranging from psychological upsets to physical problems.

The physical aspect of it includes injury to the bladder, obesity, testicular or spinal cord trauma or due to a surgery. Diseases like Diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Atherosclerosis or kidney problems may hamper the blood flow. Certain medications may also trigger this problem.

Psychological trauma like depression, anxiety, guilt or insecurity may upset a person to such an extent that despite getting aroused, he may not be able to achieve an erection.

If ever faced with the inability to have an erection, a doctor should immediately be consulted leading to a proper and meticulous diagnosis of the problem which should include the family medical history, a complete medical examination which will require a thorough urine and blood test, checking the blood supply to the penis.

The medical evaluation should not be avoided for it may escalate into a life threatening situation and some men do the mistake of considering erectile dysfunction as a part of aging, this should not be done. Erectile dysfunction can be treated at any age and if treatment is sought immediately it reduces the tension involved.  If it’s caused by an underlying disease, the disease should be treated properly. Herbal Drugs like Vigaplus, caliplus can be taken or hormone medication may be tried to counter the testosterone deficiency and increase the blood flow to the penis. Vacuum devices can help create a vacuum around the penis, enlarging it with blood. Through surgeries arteries can be reconstructed to stimulate and intensify the flow of blood. Paired cylinders are implanted in the penis and these cylinders are connected to a pump located beneath the skin of the scrotum. Surgery may effectively solve the problem but it can have a bunch of side-effects and it’s long term effectiveness is questionable.

In case, the problem is solely psychological than a much easier solution like therapy and counseling would suffice. It helps fight anxiety and insecurity leading to a much more confident outlook on night life. Libido boasters may be employed to stimulate the senses, arousing them and leading to an erection.

The problem of erectile dysfunction can be solved if a person is patient and willing to go through a proper diagnosis and take the steps required to solve the problem and by maintaining a positive attitude through it all.

For more Information: Erectile dysfunction

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