Friday, November 26, 2010

Men: Seven reasons you're not having sex

There are many reasons that men don't have sex, the most usual being that they don't have anyone to have sex with. Illness, impotence and abstinence are also perfectly compelling reasons for men not having sex.

But healthy men in relationships should be having sex, surely? They should be having sex regularly, and at the outset of the relationship they should be having sex pretty much all the time, with short breaks for work, sleep, sustenance and so on.

In fact, it's often not as simple as that. When relationships mature beyond the 'like bunnies' stage, it's not unusual for men, in particular, to wonder where the sex went. Relationship therapists say that one recurring problem is a growing mismatch between the sex men think they should be getting, and the sex they actually are.

Sometimes, sex problems within couples are deep and ingrained. And sometimes a few minor changes can help to close the gap between the sex you'd like and the sex you get.

So here are seven reasons you're not having sex, and what you can about them.

How Smoking in Your 20′s and 30′s Can Lead to Erectile Dysfunction

Most young people who begin smoking will start as teenagers or begin the habit during their 20′s or 30′s.  They don’t think of the health implications smoking can cause later in life, such as erectile dysfunction.

Health effects of smoking  have been well documented over the last two decades by the American Heart Association and other groups promoting abstinence from smoking , due to the effects of lung damage caused from inhaling the toxic smoke from cigarettes, the increased chances of developing heart disease and arterial sclerosis or hardening of the arteries, lung cancer, emphysema and other health related issues due to prolonged exposure to smoking.

How Smoking Can Cause Erectile Dysfunction

How smoking can lead to erectile dysfunction have previously not been well documented to the public outside of medical journals.  Male impotence has always been discussed both in medical journals and mainstream media as a condition that impacts men between the ages of 50 to 65, due to the effects of aging and stress.

Erectile Dysfunction is caused by a lack of blood flow to the penis to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse.  In the case of smoking, inhaling the carcinogen-laden smoke over a long period of time, can lead to ED as it impacts the ability of the heart to pump the massive amount of blood needed to achieve and maintain an erection, while arterial sclerosis or hardening of the arteries, also caused by smoking, slows the flow of blood to the penis, thus diminishing the hardness of the male’s erection or preventing the man from achieving an erection at all.  As the heart has to work harder to pump blood, it can become weaker and less blood reaches the penis, thus impacting the strength, stamina and frequency of the erections.  For more information on erectile dysfunction in young men click here.

Five Ways Smoking can Lead to Male Impotence:

    * Carcinogen-laden smoke builds up in the lungs.  The mixture of nicotine and carbon monoxide in a cigarette increases your heart rate and blood pressure,  which result in straining the heart and blood vessels.   High blood pressure has been linked to erectile dysfunction in men.  When your heart is strained, it is unable to pump the large amount of blood needed to achieve or maintain an erection.

    * Inhaling carbon monoxide deprives the muscles, soft tissue and brain of oxygen, making your whole body, and especially your heart, work harder.   If your heart is straining to pump blood throughout the body, you might be able to initially get an erection, but it will ultimately become weaker or you may find that getting an erection is difficult.

    * Smoking results in fat deposits in your blood vessels that narrow and constrict the flow of blood to the organs.  If the blood vessels are constricted, the body will be starved of blood to maintain the vital organs.  This can result in a lack of blood for the male reproductive organs.

    * Smoking can lead to cardiovascular disease, also known as hardening of the arteries.  When blood vessels become hard and lose their flexibility, this impacts the efficient flow of blood through the body.  Any deficiency in blood within one of body systems will be revealed in some sort of physical manifestation, such as erectile dysfunction.

    * There is a misconception that low tar cigarettes are better or less deadly than their full-tar counterparts. Much of this misinformation is due to marketing.  The problem with low-tar and nicotine cigarettes is the smoker usually inhales more smoke and cancer-causing agents with each puff to get a better buzz, and in many cases is causing more bodily harm than smoking full tar and nicotine cigarettes.

Taking erectile dysfunction medication, such as Viagra, Cialis, Levetra or even the natural erectile dysfunction cures, may help improve erections, but they cure a symptom and are not a permanent cure for men who continue to smoke.  The best natural cure for smoking to stop smoking altogether.

In closing, smoking can cause impotence, due to effects of prolonged exposure to the carcinogens in the smoke.   One of the best ways for men in their 20′s and 30′s to cure erectile dysfunction naturally is to quit smoking, which will begin to heal the lungs, heart and arteries, and will improve the flow of blood to the penis and other organs of the human body.

50% of British men suffer with impotence

A survey conducted in the UK has found that 50% of British men suffer with impotence some degree, at one stage or another. Worryingly though, researchers found that the large majority of these men had not sought treatment such as Viagra for their condition, for fear of embarrassing consultations.

To put things into further perspective, one in two of the study was found to be suffering with sexual problems that stem from being overweight or obese.

In addition to this, 68% claim to have suffered with premature ejaculation, particularly amongst the younger subjects who experts believe are prone to stress related premature ejaculation. Sexperts in their field believe that these symptoms can be reduced through the introduction of new sex techniques.

Self inflicted?

What makes the study more interestingly though was the fact that although 19% claim not to be able to perform in the bedroom when sober, a whopping 31% say they cannot attain an erection after excessive amounts of alcohol.

People needn’t suffer in silence

Viagra has been available to sufferers of impotence for over a decade. It’s proven to successfully treat erectile dysfunction and to improve the sex lives of patients. Anybody who is suffering with any of the symptoms associated with impotence is advised to speak with their doctor for advice.

It can often be the result of a more serious underlying condition.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fate of Earth's Living Beings Nears 'Tipping Point'

A new strategy to halt the loss of the Earth's diverse living beings is expected to emerge from a United Nations conference that opened Monday in Nagoya. As 2010 is the International Year of Biodiversity, there is an urgency to these negotiations because species are disappearing in unprecedented numbers.

Species extinction rates are now as high as a thousand times the natural rate, and the world is nearing a "tipping point" where there could be irreversible loss, warned Ahmed Djoghlaf, the executive secretary of the UN Convention on Biodiversity, in his opening speech to the delegates.

Of the world's 5,490 mammals, 78 are Extinct or Extinct in the Wild, with 188 Critically Endangered and 450 Endangered, according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. Habitat loss, over-exploitation, pollution, disease and human-induced climate change are the factors driving these extinctions, the IUCN says.

Although more than 16,000 delegates representing the 193 Parties to the Convention and their partners are attending, this is "not just another UN conference," said Djoghlaf, but "the most important meeting on biodiversity in the history of the United Nations."

He called on delegates "to address the unprecedented loss of biodiversity seriously compounded by global warming."

Although the world failed to meet its 2010 target of slowing the loss of global biodiversity, the delegates gathered at Nagoya are tasked with setting another target, to be embodied in the Aichi-Nagoya Strategic Plan for the next decade, with a vision for 2050.

"This is not another plan," said Djoghlaf. "It will be, as recommended by last month's historic New York summit on biodiversity, the overarching coordinated global biodiversity framework of the whole biodiversity family, including the United Nations system."

The Aichi-Nagoya Strategic Plan hammered out by delegates over the next nine days will be submitted October 27 to the high-level segment of the conference, which will be attended by several world leaders and more than 100 environment ministers.

"Here there is an opportunity to shape the landscape and the trajectory of humanity's response to the loss of its natural and nature-based assets in profound and transformational ways," Achim Steiner, executive director of the UN Environment Programme, told delegates on opening day. "Here and together we can begin to put in place the kinds of far sighted policy-responses and smart mechanisms that have been incubating for years in many countries and communities."

"The plants and animals, fungi and micro-organisms that produce and clean our air, generate drinking water, hydro-power and irrigation; provide food, shelter and medicines and also bring to many joy and a spiritual dimension to our daily lives need a big helping hand from this 10th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties - if not for their sakes, for ours," Steiner said.

BirdLife International, the world's foremost bird conservation group with partners in more than 100 countries and territories, outlined five essential goals the Nagoya conference must meet to be successful.

The conference must:

   1. adopt a comprehensive, ambitious and achievable strategic plan with associated 2020 targets that take us well beyond business as usual
   2. agree mechanisms to ensure that each country has access to the resources it needs for effective implementation of the Convention on Biodiversity
   3. conclude negotiations on the international Access and Benefit Sharing, ABS, regime resulting in a Protocol to the Convention with legally binding provisions
   4. agree to expand protected area networks, particularly in marine areas
   5. agree clear actions to promote synergies between the Convention on Biological Diversity and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change at national and international levels

"The ongoing decline of the world's biological resources - such as rainforests, coral reefs and agricultural biodiversity - threatens to increase poverty and people's vulnerability to climate change," said Dr. Dilys Roe, a senior researcher at International Institute for Environment and Development and co-author, with BirdLife, of a new, free book, "Banking on biodiversity: a natural way out of poverty."

"These challenges must be tackled together rather than in isolation," said Roe.

Djoghlaf, Steiner and nongovernmental organizations appealed urgently to all government delegates in Nagoya to finalize a legally-binding protocol on access to genetic resources and sharing of the benefits of that access, known as Access and Benefits-Sharing or ABS.

The Convention establishes that a person or institution seeking access to the genetic material of a biological resource in a foreign country should seek the prior informed consent of that country. The person or institution seeking access must also negotiate and agree on the terms and conditions of access and use of this resource.

Genetic resources are used by research institutes, universities and private companies in pharmaceuticals, agriculture, horticulture, cosmetics and biotechnology for research and to develop products.

For example, an appetite suppressant has been derived from species of Hoodia, succulent plants indigenous to southern Africa and long used by the San people to stave off hunger and thirst. One brand of Hoodia pills includes a San-approved certification process.

In February 2006 an agreement was signed between the San and the Southern African Hoodia Growers, empowering the SAHG as the exclusive, legal, approval body for growers and purveyors of natural Hoodia gordonii grown in South Africa. The San receive six percent of the revenue from Hoodia sales made through this group.

The certification process allows traceability of the San-endorsed Hoodia with all legal documents in place under the national Nature Conservation Ordinance and Biodiversity Act and international rules under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, CITES.

An ABS protocol could include these elements.

Djoghlaf explained to delegates how their work at the conference would shape biodiversity conservation at all levels of government.

"The Aichi Nagoya Strategic Biodiversity Plan will need to be translated before the New Delhi Biodiversity Summit [in 2012] into national biodiversity strategies and action plans tailored to the needs and circumstances of the Parties and their partners," he said.

"It will be also translated into action plans at the municipal level. This is the objective of the first-ever City Biodiversity Summit to be held at the end of this week," Djoghlaf explained. "The expected 300 mayors from all over the world will have before them the Urban Biodiversity Index specially designed with the support of Singapore and test-bedded by 34 cities."

"Based on the experience gained by Aichi Prefecture and Ishikawa, prefectural strategies and action plans will be also promoted," he said. "Based on the experience of our host, biodiversity basic law will be encouraged. This is the objective of the summit on Parliamentarians and Biodiversity to be held in partnership with Globe International."

On October 25-26, just before the opening of the high-level segment at Nagoya, 122 legislators from around the world will convene a forum co-hosted by GLOBE International, GLOBE Japan and the CBD Secretariat. It will focus on the concept of natural capital as a means to mainstream biodiversity and ecosystems services into policy making.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Traditional Chinese medicine hopes for global approval

When Sun Xinsheng learned that a domestic traditional Chinese medicine maker had managed to acquire the necessary US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) certification to enable him to sell his wares in the United States, his first response was "unbelievable".

Sun is vice-chairman of the China Quality Association for Pharmaceuticals and his response is a reflection of the difficulties facing Chinese patent medicine makers seeking markets abroad.

Zhimingde International, a Beijing-based company engaged in bio-medicine production, spent nearly two years undergoing the demanding application process. Eventually, its products were registered by the FDA under the category of healthcare rather than medicines on July 20.

Under the terms of the FDA registration, Zhimingde's products cannot be sold in US drugstores as medicine or prescribed by doctors at higher prices. They have to be sold in supermarkets and drugstores as nourishments.

"The number of made-in-China traditional medicines now registered as medicine in the US and European markets is zero," said Luo Yang, head of the traditional Chinese medicine department of China Chamber of Commerce for the Import & Export of Medicines & Health Products.

FDA rules require three phases of clinical trials before new drugs receive approval to be available on the market. Last month, the Compound Danshen Dripping Pill, a herbal treatment for angina and coronary heart disease made by Beijing Tongrentang Health Pharmaceutical Co Ltd (TRT), became the first Chinese traditional drug to pass the second phase, but it will be 2013 before it can enter the US market.

Domestically, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), focusing on remedying underlying causes rather than treating symptoms, is supported by a strong culture and consumer trust.

A recent survey of TCM use in China conducted by the Horizon Research Group found almost 90 percent of the 100,000 respondents use it. Nearly 50 percent of them said they chose TCM over Western medicine because it cost less and had fewer side-effects, according to the survey.

Last month, TRT signed a five-year contract to import high-quality ginseng from the US to cater to the increasing domestic demand for traditional herbal medicine. Yu Jun, president of the healthcare products division with TRT, said that the company will double the number of its drugstores "very soon" in China.

But still, Chinese manufacturers "have a long way to go" to branch into overseas markets, Luo said, adding that the country's export of traditional Chinese medicine largely focuses on herbal products, rather than the more value-added Chinese patent medicines.

So far, extracts, prepared slices and other herbal ingredients account for the bulk of China's traditional Chinese medicine export. The more value-added Chinese patent medicine, which consists of herbs and other ingredients, mixed and formed into pills, accounts for only a fraction.

According to Chinese customs statistics released last month, China's export value of TCM touched $910 million in the first half of this year, up 26 percent year-on-year, with plant extracts, prepared slices and other raw materials accounting for 78.8 percent of the total volume. Patent medicines took up only 12.9 percent of the total volume.

The export volume of Chinese patent medicines reached $160 million in 2009, up 30 percent from $125 million in 1996, according to customs figures.

The small increase over the 13 years would be erased if inflation and exchange rate changes were taken into account, industry experts said.

"The current growth model of Chinese traditional medicines' export is not sustainable," said Fang Shuting, head of the China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

"The growth is based on massive consumption of natural resources, some of which are already on the precipice of extinction. More research and development efforts should be made to develop patent medicines," Fang said.

China's export growth is largely driven by a rise in volume rather than by added value, he said.

Fierce competition among exporters may force the prices of raw materials, which already offer thin profit margins, to drop further, according to industry analysts.

The export price of biloba extracts, for instance, was $500 a kilogram in 1995. This year it is $25 amid fierce price wars among domestic exporters.

Japan and South Korea are the two major players in the global TCM market, making up more than 80 percent of market share last year, according to a People's Daily report. In contrast, China only has a 5 percent share in the market.

However, Japan imports 75 percent of raw material of its Chinese patent medicines from China and resells them at much higher prices after processing, the report said.

Wu Zhendou, head of the international cooperation department with the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, was recently quoted by People's Daily as saying that Japan and South Korea imported at least 50,000 tons of traditional Chinese medicinal materials from China annually.

To cope with the problem, the Ministry of Health in August launched an industry-university alliance to promote TCM in the global market.

The alliance aims to introduce international standards to the domestic manufacturers of TCM to pave the way for easier registration in overseas markets.

"Registration and consumer acceptance are key for the country's traditional Chinese medicine to enter Western markets," said Luo Yang of the China Chamber of Commerce for the Import & Export of Medicines & Health Products.

She said there is an inherent prejudice against TCM in Western countries, where most patients still don't believe they are real drugs and have concerns about the use of animal parts in them.

"But if their doctors give out traditional Chinese medicines in prescriptions or they are on sale in drugstores, it is very likely that the patients will give the medicines a shot," she added.

No more sibutramine - what now?

The writing has been on the wall for any weight loss medications containing the compound sibutramine since January of this year. On 21 January Lisa Richwine published a report on “EU Agency Urges Ban on Diet Drug” in Reuters Health. The drug in question was sibutramine, the active ingredient in products such as Reductil, Ectiva, Ciplatrim and Meridia. Recently Simply Slim, an over-the-counter (OTC) herbal slimming pill, was found to contain high levels of sibutramine. The product was withdrawn from the South African market and recently relaunched without sibutramine (Pretoria News, 2010).

The latest developments

Last Monday it was announced in the press that Abbott Laboratories, who manufacture Reductil and Ectiva, were voluntarily withdrawing these sibutramine-containing slimming drugs from the South African market after consultation with the Medicines Control Council (MCC). According to the report, Abbott have also withdrawn these slimming pills in the USA, Australia, and Taiwan. The use of sibutramine for slimming purposes is banned in Europe.

The article in the Pretoria News (2010) also pointed out that the MCC has said that it intends taking “appropriated action” against generic versions of sibutramine-containing drugs such as Ciplatrim. A weight loss programme combining Ciplatrim and Weigh-Less was launched at the beginning of September 2009 and many of Health24's users reported that they were using it with varying degrees of success. In view of the MCC statement, Cipla may also be asked to withdraw Ciplatrim in the near future.

Reasons for the withdrawal

The Reuters report published in January 2010, said that a study called SCOUT, which compared Meridia (sibutramine) against placebo (dummy treatment) in 10 000 patients, had found an increased risk for heart attacks or stroke in subjects receiving the active drug.

Preliminary data indicated that 11.4% of the subjects receiving sibutramine had died, or had a heart attack, a stroke or cardiac arrest compared to 10% for subjects who were given the placebo treatment (Richwine, 2010).

In reaction to these findings, the EU elected to ban all sibutramine-containing medications immediately. Other countries, including South Africa, first evaluated the results of the study to assess the risk posed to persons using sibutramine for slimming purposes. Abbott Laboratories who produce Reductil and Ectiva in South Africa have now voluntarily withdrawn these two slimming products in South Africa.

What now?

Sibutramine was used for weight loss because it acts as an appetite suppressant and also stimulates metabolism. Many healthy individuals did benefit from using sibutramine to assist them with weight loss and did not develop any negative side-effects.

Now slimmers in this country will have to lose weight without the aid of Reductil or Ectiva, and possibly also Ciplatrim. Needless to say, Health24 users are starting to panic and I receive frantic postings on the DietDoc Message Board from people who are totally stymied in their attempts to lose weight.

One by one even those slimming medications which were developed over many years under stringent scientific conditions and were subjected to extensive safety tests are now proving to be dangerous and possibly fatal to health.

This is indeed a problematic situation especially in a country like South Africa where the latest statistics show that up to 67% of adult women are obese, 61% of adults are overweight, obese, or morbidly obese and 17% of children under the age of 9 years are overweight (Joubert et al, 2007; Skade, 2010).

While many people do lose weight successfully with the aid of appropriate slimming diets and regular exercise, some individuals need assistance to curb their appetites and give them support to achieve their weight loss goals.

Some tips for desperate slimmers

a) What not to do

The first and most important fact to keep in mind is that you need to preserve your health and not expose yourself to the risk of developing heart attacks and strokes. In view of the worldwide concern about the safety of sibutramine-containing pharmaceutical products, I would advise Health24 users as follows:

    * If you are at present taking any slimming medication purchased in South Africa that contains sibutramine (i.e. Reductil, Ectiva or Ciplatrim), please contact the prescribing doctor or your pharmacist and discuss the risks associated with taking the remaining pills in your possession. If you experience any side-effects or have any doubts, stop taking these medications immediately. Rather safe, than sorry.
    * Do NOT order any pharmaceutical products that contain sibutramine over the Internet (i.e. product such as Reduxane and Zelium from Europe, and Meridia from the USA or other parts of the world).
    * Be aware of the fact that some OTC slimming products may be illegally laced with sibutramine. The Pretoria News article published last Monday warned that a product called Beauty Bitter Orange Slimming Capsules, which is reputedly “100 percent herbal”, was found to contain excessive amounts of sibutramine when tested by the FDA of America (Pretoria News, 2010).
    * Avoid using OTC slimming pills, capsules, potions, liquids, and patches because they could contain undisclosed high levels of sibutramine, or be a waste of money or cause other undesirable side-effects like addiction, dehydration or loss of normal bowel function.
    * Never give children or teenagers slimming pills of any kind as they may damage their metabolism and have serious side-effects.

b) What you can do

Use safer options for weight loss such as a balanced, energy-reduced low-fat, low-glycaemic index (GI) diet and regular exercise. It may take longer and you may need to exercise greater self-control, but this is one way of losing weight safely and sensibly.

If the 3 top Losers in the SA Biggest Loser show on etv in 2008, were able to lose between 45 and 62 kg in 12 weeks, you too can lose weight if you set your mind to it and stick to your diet and exercise regimen.

Anyone struggling to lose weight, should consider consulting a registered dietician to help you with a tailored slimming diet that meets your special needs. You may have insulin resistance which requires the use of a low-fat, low-GI diet to promote effective weight loss. Having the support of a dietician to explain the details of such a diet and to give you encouragement as you lose weight may make the difference between success and failure.

Visit the website of the Association for Dietetics in SA to find a dietician in your area. Consulting a dietician for a slimming diet is particularly valuable if you suffer from health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, or metabolic syndrome. The dietician will take your medical conditions and any medications you may be taking for these conditions into account when working out a slimming diet for you.

The use of a low-GI diet should also prevent cravings that often cause attempts at slimming to fail. If you do not have constant cravings for sweets and carbohydrates because you are eating low-fat, high-fibre and low-GI carbohydrates as part of your slimming diet, you won’t need all kinds of pills to see you through your weight loss journey.

The withdrawal of sibutramine-containing slimming pills is therefore not the end of the line for slimmers, because you do have other options which are safe and sensible.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

"Freshman Fifteen" Avoided by Finding a Heavy Roommate

A new study presented at a meeting of the American Society of Health Economists reveals that female college students who have heavier roommates are apt to gain less weight than those who room with thinner students.

Co-author of the study, Kandice Kapinos, explained that 144 female freshman students who were randomly assigned roommates were surveyed and asked about the following:  their height and weight, their exercise habits, whether or not they were on a diet, and whether or not they took weight loss supplements.

Kapinos found that those young women who roomed with heavier students gained a lesser amount of weight: ½ pound, compared to 2.5 pounds.

The reasons for this may seem somewhat counterintuitive, as other research, such as one published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2007, showed that obesity can be socially contagious.  In explaining the discrepancy between the two studies, Kapinos states that the key difference is that roommate relationships are random, whereas those we choose to befriend and marry are more like we are.

The specific reason why heavier roommates result in less weight gain may also seem counterintuitive at first glance.  The researchers contend that the behaviors of heavier roommates are what is contagious in a dormitory scenario.  In other words, heavier students are more likely to diet, exercise and use weight loss supplements than thinner students.  Students rooming with young women who practice weight management tend to take on their regimens.

A subtle implication of this study that can be easily missed is the fact that other research has shown that people who are overweight can STILL be fit if they engage in physical activity of some sort.

Steven Blair of the Cooper Institute claims that people who are overweight (not obese) and fit have one-half the death rate of normal weight people who are not fit.  In fact, Blair describes himself as "a fat guy who runs every day."

How can that be?  Simply because there are other variables besides weight that can determine whether or not a person is fit.  To be considered fit, a person must:

*Be a non-smoker
*Engage in physical activity for at least thirty minutes a day, even if exercise
is done in increments
*Have healthy cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and blood sugar (no diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes)
*Have no family history of chronic illness

Waist size also plays a role; according to WebMD, a woman with a 35 inch waist or less, or a man with a waist size of 40 inches or less may still be considered healthy, even if he or she is carrying a few unwanted pounds.

The key factor, of course, is exercise. A thin person who doesn't exercise is just as unfit as an overweight person who isn't physically active. So, while "overweight and fit" isn't necessarily oxymoronic, "sedentary and fit" is. One cannot avoid exercise like the plague and still be considered fit.

The bottom line is that a physically fit person still reaps the benefits of exercise even if there is no weight loss. And, even a slight reduction in weight (5-7%) has been linked to lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Most of the time, weight loss is a serendipitous by product of a physically active lifestyle. However, even if that weight loss
is negligible, or is slow in coming off, the benefits exercise are still myriad.

Weight Loss and Sports Supplement Company, iSatori Technologies, Recognized for Top Innovation with Five “Best of the Best” Awards

 Because of their truly innovative technologies in weight loss and sport supplements, iSatori Technologies ( is recognized by Jeff Everson's Planet Muscle "Best of the Best" Awards with five Supplement Category Wins:

>> Best Liquid Protein: Liquid Morph+™ Platinum Winner

>> Best Fat Burner: MX-LS7™ Honorable Mention

>> Radical Breakthrough Product: Flash Point™ Platinum Winner

>> Carnosine (Reducing Hydrogen Ion) Focus: H-Blocker™ Platinum Winner

>> Testosterone Elevation: Isa-Test™ GF Silver Winner

“We're really passionate about driving product innovations; it’s ingrained into our culture here,” explains Stephen Adele, CEO of iSatori Technologies (, “which is why you won't ever see us launching a ‘me-too’ type product and why we're recognized as product leaders by credible experts, including Jeff Everson.”

Adele goes on to say, “We have one simple rule: if we can't turn a category upside down, completely reinvent it, or create an entirely new category, we don't want to do it. What's more, you'll never see us introduce a product unless it's something that really excites us. And that means it's a product we can't wait to use ourselves, too!”

With a company culture that prides itself on truly revolutionary product innovations, it’s no wonder iSatori has been showered with industry and leadership awards. Notable awards such as the Gold Award from Nutrition Business Journal; Entrepreneur of the Year finalist by Ernst & Young; Outstanding Young Coloradan by the Jaycee’s; and finalist for Best Boss of the Year by Fortune Small Business. And now five category wins from Jeff Everson's Planet Muscle Magazine for their product innovations in weight loss, protein, testosterone, and sports performance.

To learn more about iSatori’s innovation and powerful diet and performance supplements, you can visit them online at or call iSatori Technologies direct at 1-866-688-7679.

Retailers interested in carrying any of iSatori’s product innovations should contact Europa Sports, America's largest sports nutrition distributor, at 1-800-447-4795, or visit

About iSatori Technologies:
Based in Golden, Colorado, iSatori Technologies was founded in early 2002 by Stephen Adele to provide clinically tested nutritional supplements and is the only company dedicated to providing complete dietary and exercise solutions for building a better body and living a healthier, richer life. iSatori's life-enhancement, weight-loss, and muscle-building supplements, such as Eat-Smart® Bar, SUB-TEST™, MORPH MEGADRIVE™, FLASH POINT™, Amino-Phase™, Isa-Test™, Lean System 7®, Energize®, MX-LS7™, Curvelle, MORPH™, and Liquid MORPH+™ are available in over 31,000 retail stores nationwide, including GNC and online at, as well as in 12 countries. iSatori recently received the industry's NBJ Gold Award for Growth in Small Companies category.

Friday, September 24, 2010

New Herbal Tea Line Gains Attention World Wide as a Good-For-You Beverage

 For consumers who are interested in felling better, losing weight, clearing their skin or boosting their immune system, herbs fit the bill perfectly. However, not all herbs taste good, in fact some are down right nasty. Fortunately, this line of herbal teas are super tasty and will pass the test of your pickiest people. Designed by a Master Herbalist, Nicole Carter, not only do they taste great, they work.

Nicole Carter who also has been teaching herbal medicine classes in her community for many years started the Herbal Experience in 2010. She says that everyone can improve their health with herbs, tea just happens to be an easy and fun way to get them in. "People have come to my classes for years to learn about herbs, I always taught them how to blend tea and use it for different health concerns. They just like to have it done and ready. So, I created a line for those people. It's easy for them, tastes good and does the job" says Nicole of her new tea line.

The new line includes the most popular Thin Me T, for weight loss, Immune T for preventing viral illness, Pretty T to get your exterior gorgeous and Cleanz T to keep your interior ship shape. Nicole has also designed a tea just for pregnant and nursing moms, Mommy T. "This was actually my first blend that I developed and sold to other mom's like myself who were dealing with the issues for pregnancy and beyond,” said Nicole of the Mommy T.

If you think adults are the only ones who can gain the benefits of herbal teas, guess again. With the introduction of Kide T, Nicole hopes to change the thinking of parents from giving sugar-laden juices, to healthy herbal teas with no sugar, no caffeine and lots of nutrients. Triana Hunter, a pediatric nurse of 13 years says "Kids really need lots of nutritional support, especially with what they are bombarded with these days. This tea is great and I recommend it to all my mommies."

The tea blends by Herbal Experience are making their way into many retail outlets across the country and can be purchased directly from their website at They offer free samples of 6 blends as well as free shipping on all orders within the U.S

Breakthrough Natural Treatment for Recurring Vaginal Thrush

5% of women in the UK suffer from recurring vaginal yeast infection according to the NHS, and have tried almost everything from herbal pills, to anti-candida diet, anti-fungal capsules, and OTC remedy but they are still not able to get rid of pain and suffering from recurring vaginal thrush.

A new natural treatment for recurring thrush is soon hitting the market –it is Effective, Safe, and Purely Natural. It is an excellent cure for chronic yeast infections that are difficult to treat.

Alaczen is a perfect combination of probiotics supplements that can help women to get rid of recurring yeast infection without any side effects.

The 4 strains of probiotics in Alaczen are blended together to make a one easy-to swallow capsule that help treat chronic yeast infections completely.

This natural treatment for recurring thrush is 100% safe, certified and contains only natural probiotics.

There is NO trace of harmful chemicals and the 4 different strains of probiotics used in the recurring thrush treatment will boost the immune system and kill the candida, preventing thrush to infect the intimate parts.

Using this natural treatment for recurring thrush is the best way to get rid of all the pain, suffering, soreness, and affliction caused by recurrent yeast infection.

It is formulated after through medicinal research and personal experience from women suffering from recurring vaginal thrush.

The new natural treatment for recurring thrush is a combination of science and nature and is truly superior to take care of your chronic yeast infections.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

GPUs slick up with oil sleuths

I stopped by the Oil & Gas track at the 2010 GPU Tech conference this morning and learned quite a bit about the key drivers on the exploration side of the industry. I already knew the key drivers on the distribution side of the business - potato chips, watery fountain drinks and herbal energy pills - but that was presumably covered in a different break-out session. In this session, the speaker, from the exploration arm of oil giant Schlumberger, did a great job of laying out the big picture and relating it to their computing challenges.

It breaks down like this: we're hungry for oil and they need to find more of it. The costs of finding and extracting black gold have escalated as the easy stuff laying around the surface has already been found. While there is lots of oil out there, it's either still hiding or is buried beneath deep oceans or under piles of rocks. Finding it and pulling it out is where computers come in handy.

I've heard the term seismic processing for years and understand the concept - it's where you send waves into rocks and see how long it takes them to bounce off the rocks and hit receivers located somewhere else. Do this enough and you'll build up a good picture of what's located in the various strata underneath the surface. The more waves you send at a higher frequency, the better the picture. But this tends to send the amount of data you end up processing through the roof.

For example, the average ship running seismic gear has between 20,000 and 25,000 sensors on board, and you typically use several ships in concert to survey an area. This will yield anywhere from 50 to 200TB of data per run and take five to seven days of solid processing on a large number of systems to get results. If you ramp up the resolution, it can take 15,000-20,000 compute nodes running days or weeks to complete the job.

The competitive advantage for the surveying company comes from delivering high-quality results quicker than the next guy. Computing power is critical in winning that race. These oil and gas guys are brand agnostic to the extreme - they buy what yields the best price/performance (with an emphasis on performance) at any given time. Sometimes that means Intel, sometimes it means AMD - but right now, it means GPUs. Lots of GPUs, in fact.

Between June and October 2009, they almost doubled their overall capacity by adding GPU compute capacity and since then have doubled it again. They've seen about a six-fold reduction in overall cost and a five-fold increase in performance on their algorithms. According to the speaker, they didn't have much problem porting their code or performance tuning it to run under CUDA. Their analytical tools are a fairly limited set and all are embarrassingly parallel, making them a near perfect fit for the GPU computing model.

Getting such a non-qualified endorsement for GPU computing isn't surprising at the GPU Technology Conference, right? But it's a more compelling story when it comes from real world practitioners, rather than marketing slide monkeys or coin-operated sales people.

Shoptalk: Using plants, not pills, to stay healthy

Q: Can you tell me about your business at Dream Tide Farm?

A: Well, we are an organic certified medicinal herb farm. We do sell culinary as well, but the main focus is on plants that heal. Both grown and wild crafted

Q: What exactly are medicinal herbs?

A: Pharmaceuticals are synthetic, but most of them are derived from plant medicine. Back years ago, for instance, the willow bark is where aspirin came from. With the turn of the century and industrial revolution, scientist began to synthesize medicine, but 80 percent of the world still uses plant medicine. Plants whose properties support and maintain wellness, as well as heal ailments. It's nature's remedies.

Q: How did you become interested in organic medicinal herbs?

A: I've always had an interest since I was young in plants and started studying 10 years ago. That hooked me into starting my farm.

Q: You just opened the business, right? What made you turn the farm into a business?

A: I've gardened here for 20 years and have seen an interest in plant medicine grow. With health care costs rising and people losing their health care, it's now more important than ever. I encourage people to consider taking charge of their own wellness through the use of medicinal herbs and plants.

Q: What is your background?

A: I'm also an attorney and I practice from here, at the farm. I'm a certified herbalist, I've studied with different master herbalists, both in Maine at Avena and out of state, with some of the more well-known herbalists. I've also studied Native American spiritual healing, and that's one of the lectures we'll be having in October. So it's like an ongoing continuing process of exposing oneself to various teachers.

Q: What is your goal in offering public workshops?

A: The goal for public workshops is to create an opportunity for the public to learn about backyard medicine. Whether it's creating your garden or wild craft harvesting, it's a way to learn about the healing properties of plants and how to make natural remedies from the plants.

Q: What do you offer at Dream Tide Farm?

A: People can contact us for consultations, always working along with their own health care provider. We harvest and make herbal products including tinctures, elixirs, teas, salves and lotions, as well as provide raw honey. People can purchase by e-mailing and we'll provide a more detailed list or products available. I like to individualize the products for people. If people are interested, we also provide individual workshops, including making your own tea garden or herbal medicine cabinet. So we provide general workshops, special requests for individual workshops, consultations and products.

Q: Could you tell me a bit more about the winter medicine cabinet?

A: During the winter months, we're often faced with various illnesses, both viral and bacterial. There are many natural antidotes to these. An herbal medicine cabinet provides one with freshly made remedies. More importantly, a medicine cabinet includes wellness products that help boost one's own immune system, so the body can defend itself against such ailments. Elderberry is one of the old-time favorite winter remedies for cold and flus. The elder flowers are used to help reduce fevers and the elderberry has antiviral properties. Elderberry gets its name from the elderberry jam, wine or cordials given to the elders during the winter months to help keep them strong and healthy. I make an elderberry syrup. It's delicious.

Q: Do you have regular farm hours?

A: Just by e-mail right now, and when we have the workshops, the farm will be open. Come (next) summer we'll have more set hours. You can check the website for current hours. We're working toward an apothecary.

Q: Anything else you'd like to add?

A: Well, the first thing I would say is know your source for your herbs. Local is better. If they're organic, even better. Like Hippocrates said, "Let thy food be thy medicine and let thy medicine be thy food." Take the next step to find out what's in what plant to help you stay well.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Party pills and poppers may be legal but be aware of risks

PUPILS in Derby schools are to have lessons about the dangers of "legal high" drugs.

Sparked by fears that young people think it is safe to use such drugs as mephedrone, the lesson will be aimed at pupils in years seven to 11.

The synthetic stimulant was legal until April. Other legal highs the lesson will highlight are poppers and herbal party pills.

The idea has been developed by Derby City Council's healthy schools team after intense media coverage earlier this year about mephedrone, also known as Meow Meow, being linked to 18 deaths.

The lesson, which will be taught in schools before Christmas, has been developed in partnership with the Derby branch of drug treatment charity Addaction.

Jonathan Watson, project co-ordinator, said the main focus of the lesson would be raising awareness.

He said: "Legal drugs can be sold near schools and young people might think it is safe to use them.

"But the main message is, just because it is legal, it doesn't mean it is safe.

"All teachers will be given guidance and told what to deliver to the pupils.

"But if needs be, then Addaction workers can go into the schools and give the lesson."

Michelle Slater, the city council healthy schools' young persons' senior officer in drugs and alcohol, said the lessons are in response to Government advice issued earlier this year.

She said: "We need to continually support schools and pupils so this lesson was developed. It is a one-off lesson and teachers will be able to deliver it in a way they feel comfortable."

Ms Slater said not every school pupil would have to take part.

"If a school feels their younger pupils do not need the lesson then they can choose not to give it to them," she said.

During the summer holidays, Addaction workers offered secondary school staff advice on what to do if a pupil is found to have taken drugs during school-time.

The council's healthy schools team has also provided head teachers across the city with up-to-date national and local information on how to manage drug-related incidents related to mephedrone and legal highs.

Ash Venkatesh, acting head teacher at Littleover Community School, said it was important for pupils to understand the dangers.

He said: "The situation around legal highs is constantly changing, for example, new substances are on the market all the time.

"It is important we keep our advice to pupils up to date."

Mephedrone, a stimulant sold as plant food, was upgraded to a class B drug in April this year after 18 deaths in the UK were linked to it.

How to treat arthritis with herbal tonics

Arthritis is not only a very painful issue to have to deal with, but it can also be one that is absolutely debilitating. There is more than one type of arthritis, but general arthritis is a deterioration and/or inflammation of one or more of the joints. Arthritis often comes with age and may also be an issue that has been caused by certain occupations or activities. There are some instances, however, when even very young people suffer with arthritis. The symptoms of arthritis include, swelling, pain, warmth, stiffness, and redness in and around the joint that is affected.

There are pharmaceutical methods for relieving some of the symptoms of arthritis, as well as surgical options. However, for some people, these are not the options that they prefer and for some, they may not even find relief from them. There are more natural means of relieving the discomfort and pain that arthritis causes, which may be not only preferred, but even more effective for some people.

Glucosamine and MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) are some of the most popular herbal methods of treating arthritis today. You can purchase them seperately or as a combination product. They can be taken in pill form or in liquid form. The liquid may not be nearly as palatable to some, but it generally absorbs into the body faster and more effectively than the pills do. The glucosamine is helpful because it is actually are able to assist in pain relief by relieving some of the inflammation, as well as in repairing the joint tissues that have been damaged. The MSM, on the hand, has been shown to repair cell walls, adding flexibility so that fluids can pass through more freely.

Chondroitin sulfate is a compound that the body has in it which is a very important part of proper cartilage growth and development. Because cartilage helps to protect the joints, when it is damaged or missing, these joints are going to suffer a great deal of damage. Taking a chondroitin supplement will encourage the body to begin making more of its own cartilage to protect these joints.

Alfalfa Tonic is a brand of product that some patients with arthritis have found helpful in relieving many of their symptoms. Included in this supplement are, low-temperature fluid extracts of Cola, Gentian, Hydrastis and Oregon Grape root. Naturally, as the name states, the primary ingredient is an extract of organically grown alfalfa concentrate. This product may also help to increase energy levels, mental and emotional issues, and digestion.

While not every product will work for every person, these are some that are worth a try. For those with arthritis that is causing them pain and stiffness, limiting their lives in ways that they would rather not have limited, they may find some relief from the symptoms at the same time that they are helping to repair the body. Life with arthritis is a frustrating and uncomfortable one at best, but in trying some of the above products, you may be able to find some relief and repair.

Herbal sleep remedies

Herbal remedies have proved to help getting a good sleep. There is no need to use sleeping pills when you feel falling asleep is difficult or you have night with insomnia. Taking sleeping pills is easy, but it is not the best solution. Most of them create addiction if used a long time. Then next day you will feel dizzy and sleepy. Herbal remedies act less aggressively than pills do.

Before using any herbal remedies for a better sleep, you have to consider that insomnia may be caused by certain events of the day or habits that can influence sleep. Stressful situations or traumatic events play an important role for the quality of sleep. Surpass them with the help of the following herbal remedies, but also avoiding such events to disturb your sleep. Bad habits such as coffee drinking late at night may also be an important cause of bad sleep.

Valerian root

Even if it has an unpleasant smell, it is one of the most efficient herbal remedy for inducing the sleep. There are many other herbal remedies indicated in case of bad sleep or insomnia, but Valerian root effect is guaranteed and proved by specialists. It can be found under many forms: tea, tincture and pills. Valerian tincture is said to bring forward the deep sleep without dreams, decreasing the number of wake-ups in the night. Generally a six month treatment with a teaspoonful of tincture diluted in water served in the evening has wonderful effects after the first three weeks. Valerian root is also good for depression and anxiety.


It is one of the oldest and most used herbal remedy for sleep disorders. It brings forward a good calming sleep due to its wonderful natural properties. Chamomile tea must be prepared with hot water, but without letting the herb to boil because it will lose its properties. Drink two cups of an infusion made from two teaspoonful of herb into 250 ml of hot water. Strain and drink after ten minutes.


It is one of the best known herbal remedies for insomnia. Lavender is a very good sedative due to its delicate perfume that relaxes the nervous system and reduces stress. Lavender oil can be used in aromatherapy to relax and induce sleeping. Use small quantities as lavender has a strong perfume.


A celery root eaten before going to sleep may bring you a good sleep. It is a less known herbal remedy, but the root is said to contain some compounds that decrease the concentration of the stress hormones. Celery root also contains certain substances that calm the nervous system.

There are many other herbal remedies such as: lemon, lime flower, passiflora, balm or hops. Use them as herbal tea before going to bed or in other forms found on the market, most of them in various combinations. Such herbs are calming and induce a quiet sleep. For a more pleasant taste and a better effect, add some honey to the herbal tea. Sleep well!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Does The Diet Solution Program Really Work?

Nutritionist and speaker Isabel De Los Rios has developed a diet plan, called the Diet Solution Program that many fitness experts have cheered. Since many diet plans are accompanied by similar reactions the question becomes, does the Diet Solution Program really work?

Click Here to Get The Diet Solution Program Trial Offer for JUST $1 !

The first thing that dieters need to know about the Diet Solution Program is that it is not really a diet program at all. It is actually a plan for overall better health through good nutrition. Proper weight control is an important part of this to be sure but it is just that, a part of an overall program for health and fitness. In the Diet Solution Program, there are no strict rules about what, when, and how much to eat.

The primary reason that nearly no other weight loss programs work is that they attempt to impose the exact same regimen on everyone. Since we all have different body types, and therefore different metabolic systems, this just does not make sense. My body will process certain foods differently than yours will process them. We all need a plan that matches our bodies’ needs.

The Diet Solution Program, however, first shows the participant how to learn about and identify his or her own individual body type. After that, a diet plan is formulated which is based on this. The Diet Solution Program is a truly personal program. That’s why it works.

There really is no other program quite like the Diet Solution Program on the market today. With this plan you learn to understand what is best for you, not what is supposedly best for everyone.

In addition to the individual nature of the Diet Solution Program, you will also receive what might be called the definitive treatise on nutrition. The Diet Solution Program book exposes many of the myths surrounding so-called healthy foods. Many foods that we have come to believe are healthy, in reality are not good for us at all. You will be surprised.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Erectile dysfunction cure for only Rs 10K

When 22-year-old Karan (name changed) fell from a moving truck near Matunga five years ago, and injured his urethra—the membranous canal that carries urine—repeated infection and surgeries resulted in erectile dysfunction (ED). An implant would have set him back by at least Rs 70,000, a route that was too expensive for him. But now, the cure to erectile dysfunction need not be restricted to the rich. In the city’s public hospitals, a team of teachers are making it possible for the city’s poor to beat andropause blues, at affordable rates.

On Monday morning, Karan will get a silicone implant, all for a medical bill of Rs 10,000. “A child is the only one whom we can call our own. I want to marry in order to have a child. This will let me fulfill my dream of getting married and having a child,’’ says the unlettered vendor who hails form Mau district in UP.
Says Dr Sujata Patwardhan, who heads the urology department of KEM Hospital: “Penile implants are are expensive. A few American implants costs around Rs 2 lakh. We offer Indian prosthesis that have been in use since 1994 and have shown good results.’’ The public hospital programme only charges for the prosthesis; operation and hospitalisation charges are zero. The same prosthesis in a private hospital could cost over half a lakh.

Dr Patwardhan started the penile implant programme during her earlier stint at BMC’s other medical school, Sion Hospital, a few years ago. Between the two hospitals, her team has conducted 14 operations that have benefitted truck drivers, labourers, among others. “Soon, both hospitals will have independent implant programmes,’’ said Patwardhan.

In December, Kurla-based cobbler Abdul, a father of two, became KEM’s first penile implant patient. “He has been so happy with the results that he brought chappals as gifts for us,’’ says Dr Patwardhan.

Erectile dysfunction is usually a symptom of an underlying disease such as heart problem, diabetes or hypertension. “Considering that India has the largest number of diabetes cases, one can gauge the burden of erectile dysfunction. Roughly 10-20% of ED patients need an implant but barely 1% can afford it,’’ says andrologist Dr Rupin Shah, who devised the Indian penile prosthesis in 1994. He has since used it in roughly 150 patients each year.

His first patient for the desi implant was a young teacher at Bhatia Hospital who has since fathered two daughters and his oldest is an 82-year-old from Assam. “According to a study done in Gujarat, 20% of the men over 40 years had ED while 90% over 70 had ED. It is a sign of an underlying disease that is best treated at the earliest,’’ adds Dr Shah, who is attached to Lilavati Hospital.

Dr Shailesh Raini, urologist from Jaslok Hospital, says that the need for implants have come down since Viagra hit the shelves. “But there are those who have an irreversible ED and they need implants,’’ he says, adding that “they work, whether imported or Indian’’.

Erectile Dysfunction Drugs Could Improve Delivery Of Anti-cancer Drug Herceptin

Erectile dysfunction drugs could improve delivery of anti-cancer drug Herceptin by lowering the “blood-brain barrier.” The research, published in the journal PLoS ONE, could help doctors improve treatments for lung and breast cancers that have metastasized to the brain

The new research by scientists at Cedars-Sinai's Maxine Dunitz Neurosurgical Institute suggests that a drug currently approved to treat erectile dysfunction may significantly enhance the delivery of the anti-cancer drug Herceptin to certain hard-to-treat brain tumors.

While cancers that originate in the brain are relatively rare -- approximately 22,000 patients are diagnosed with a primary brain tumor every year -- nearly 10 times that many people develop brain tumors from cancers that began elsewhere in the body. Lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer death in the U.S., and about 20 percent of lung cancers metastasize to the brain. Breast cancer and melanoma may also spread to the brain, and once this happens, the cancer becomes extremely difficult to treat and the prognosis turns poor.

Even if a cancer is susceptible to drugs, these drugs must penetrate the "blood-brain barrier" if they're to treat cancer that's metastasized to the brain. "Mother Nature created this barrier to protect our brains from dangerous substances, but here we need to get through the barrier to deliver the drugs, and that's a problem," says study author Julia Y. Ljubimova, M.D., Ph.D., a research scientist at the Cedars-Sinai Maxine Dunitz Neurosurgical Institute in Los Angeles.

Why No Birth Control Pill For Men?

Two weeks ago, Care2 blogger Ann Pietrangelo wrote an excellent post looking back over the history of the birth control pill, which was approved by the FDA in 1960.  The fiftieth anniversary of the pill has sparked many new retrospective looks at the way that the pill changed women's lives - although, as Ann points out, it's difficult to know what was caused by the pill and what was simply happening at the same time.

One question still remains, though: where is the male birth control pill?  Elizabeth Landau explores this issue in an article published today on CNN, although it's definitely not a new issue - as Dr. John Amory, a researcher, points out, "The joke in the field is: The male pill's been five to 10 years away for the last 30 years."  In researching this post, I stumbled upon several articles promising new and exciting leads - all of which seem to be duds.  Landau points out that developing a male pill is more challenging because men produce far more sperm than women do eggs, and men have no periods where they shut off sperm production.  Hormonal injections, though, seem to work, and certainly, we could be researching this more heavily.

Which leads us into a different realm, one that has less to do with science and more to do with demand.  Landau quotes Andrea Tone, a professor at McGill, who points out that contraceptive gels and injections for men "could be very effective in preventing pregnancy, but if there isn't a clear market for it, companies understandably are a little reluctant to invest heavily in it."  She also points out that women may mistrust men's ability to take a pill consistently, although this may be a myth (studies have shown that most women don't have this fear).

I think there may be another issue that Landau isn't mentioning, though.  A few days ago, I stumbled upon a post on Jezebel declaring that hormonal birth control for women does reduce sexual desire.  According to the post, "Researchers at the University of Heidelberg in Germany studied 1,086 women, and found that those taking hormonal contraceptives were at higher risk of sexual dysfunction than those using non-hormonal or no birth control."

This included other forms of birth control than the pill, but reveals a risk that may be much more threatening to men than to women - impotence.  It's still socially acceptable (even though perhaps not desirable) for women to have low sexual drives, but for men, virility is still closely tied to masculinity.  There would be zero demand for a contraceptive that would threaten male sexual performance or desire.

It doesn't really seem fair, though.  Innumerable women can attest that the pill does not do good things for their sex drive, but we have few non-hormonal options.  So instead of giving up on the male pill, maybe we should be thinking about hormonal birth control as a contraceptive, instead of period control (which is how the pill is often marketed), which would lead us to the obvious conclusion that maybe women don't like its side effects either.  Would that require a dramatic revision in the way that pharmaceutical companies advertise the pill?  Yes.  Would it require companies to admit that people - gasp - use the pill because they're having sex?  Absolutely.  But would it help us get rid of some of the hang-ups that are preventing a male pill from being adequately researched?  Maybe so.

Read more: sex, contraception, womens rights, the pill, male pill, hormonal birth control

Herbal sex capsules hid drug in their casings

Erectile dysfunction pills marketed as "herbal" and "all-natural" have been recalled by Medsafe after tests found they contained a prescription ingredient that can be fatal.

Four products – SZM Formula for Men, Volcanic, Tomcat Ali and Stallion – have been recalled and the Health Ministry said consumers should stop taking any of the pills.

Tests showed that, although the capsule contents were all herbal ingredients, the capsule shells contained high levels of tadalafil – the active ingredient in prescription erectile dysfunction drug Cialis.

Tadalafil can interfere with some heart medications and using it in such cases can be harmful or even fatal.

The Health Ministry was not aware of any adverse reactions to the products.

The Medicines Act requires medicines to be approved by Medsafe before they are sold in New Zealand. Breaching the requirement carries a fine of up to $20,000 or six months' prison for individuals, and a maximum penalty of $100,000 for companies.

Medsafe estimates that hundreds of thousands of the capsules have been sold in pharmacies, health stores, adult shops and over the internet during the past two years.

Medsafe principal clinical adviser Enver Yousuf said the drug watchdog had become suspicious of the products after hearing reports of how effective they were.

Last year, Medsafe's Singapore counterpart discovered that some "rogue" manufacturers were adding active ingredients to capsule shells – which until now had not been tested.

"It was clear that the active ingredients were being added to the capsule shells in order to evade detection," Dr Yousuf said.

Medsafe would now test the capsule shells of other suspicious products.

SZM Formula NZ, which imports and markets SZM Formula for Men and Stallion, denied any knowledge that the capsule shells contained tadalafil. "The capsules are made in China," sales manager Ken Ringin said.

"It's been quite a shock – we're pretty angry with the suppliers of the product."

How To Know Your Sex Pills Are Safe

The company marketing popular sex pill Herbal Ignite is delighted adulterated erectile dysfunction pills have been withdrawn from sale.

Company director Jenny Wheeler says the health authorities and people in the dietary supplements industry have known for some time that unscrupulous companies were selling adulterated pills because they have been detected by the FDA in the US and by health authorities in Australia.

However until now authorities have been slow to act to remove them from sale, something which has been of concern to local companies operating fully within New Zealand consumer law marketing product manufactured and tested according to Good Manufacturing Practice principles.

"Herbal Ignite is manufactured by a reputable Nelson company following all the testing procedures necessary to protect consumer safety," Jenny Wheeler said. "The capsules used are supplied by pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc, and all the herbs in Ignite are tested before and after manufacture to ensure they are not contaminated."

She says she understands if the Medsafe warning makes consumers question all erectile dysfunction products, but there are a few simple rules consumers can follow to ensure the product they are purchasing is safe.

Step One

Avoid any herbal pill that promises instant results. Tests done by Pfizer Inc, the New York-based pharmaceutical giant that developed Viagra, as well as other independent testing authorities, showed up to 90% of the herbal pills that promised "instant action" were spiked with illegal pharmaceutical ingredients, sometimes at dangerous levels.

Step Two

Choose herbs that have a long tradition in herbal medicine for treating men's sexual performance. In Europe, these include tribulus terrestris, Siberian ginseng, gingko biloba, horny goat weed, saw palmetto and wild oats. South American rain forest herbs like damiana, muira puama, and maca, and the Malaysian herb tongkat ali also all enjoy a long history of successful use for enhancing sexual performance.

Step Three

Ensure the formulation states clearly on the label what it contains and at what strength. For tribulus terrestris for example, studies show the best results require a formulation with at least 40 per cent concentration of the active saponens. Avoid products where the concentration of active ingredients is low or is not stated.

Step Four

Always use the product according to the manufacturer's instructions. If the product suggests taking the product according to body weight daily, you need to do this to get good results. The clinical trials with tribulus showed optimum benefits when used daily for 60 to 90 days. Many herbal remedies require gradual and consistent use for up to three months for the best results, so understand they do not generally offer an "instant solution". If they promise "instant results" they probably contain something which is undeclared on the label.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Vitiligo, Leucoderma treatment, the herbal way

Market Press Release – May 4, 2010 7:38 am – Basically Vitiligo & Leucoderma are an autoimmune disorder as Leucoderma is termed as its cause may be accidental & Vitiligo as the cause may be internal as autoimmunity. So, for cure medicines are needed to actually treat the root cause and root-cause removal cannot be found in any other treatment system except AYURVEDA. Being a pigment disorder Vitiligo generally appears due to inactivity of melanocytes cells which stop melanin production and the actual cause is related to autoimmunity. Autoimmunity is a condition in which body’s protective mechanism starts to destroy its own cells. The behind reasons includes abrupt food combinations, insecticide treated green vegetables, unnatural life schedule & hereditary factors etc.
Ayurveda is an 5000 year old Indian system of medicine which has great emphasis on the treatment & cure of vitiligo & leucoderma. Basically lot of research is done in this field by Ayurveda doctors in the past and the R&D is still on towards faster cure of vitiligo & leucoderma.
Ayurhealthline is a specialized ayurvedic vitiligo clinic which has grown with well wishes of its patients since past six years and is providing authentic treatment towards vitiligo cure & leucoderma cure.
Specialized online treatment is proving to be very responsive in Vitiligo & Leucoderma cases.
Anyone across the world can take free suggestion about the disorder online.

How NOT to help your lungs: natural medicine with lead

The FDA is warning consumers not to buy or consume a product called Vita Breath after a sample of the product was shown to contain 10,000 times the recommended limit for lead in candy. Vita Breath is marketed as an herbal supplement for people with asthma. It "supports healthy Lung Energy and Respiratory system," according to the website  selling it (for $65 a bottle of 60 -- roughly a month's supply).

The New York Department of Health and Mental Hygeine conducted the first test of Vita Breath after a patient turned up with lead poisoning in New York and reported taking it and two other herbal supplements. The FDA says it has obtained samples of the product and is testing them.

Vita Breath is manufactured by American Herbal Lab Inc. of Rosemead, Calif., and it's marketed on the Internet and at health fairs around the country. The FDA recommends that anyone who has taken the product — especially children, who are particularly vulnerable to lead poisoning — get tested. Lead poisoning doesn't always show symptoms but can damage internal organs and the nervous system over time. But stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss and bloody or decreased urine output all are signs of acute poisoning.

How NOT to help your lungs: natural medicine with lead

The FDA is warning consumers not to buy or consume a product called Vita Breath after a sample of the product was shown to contain 10,000 times the recommended limit for lead in candy. Vita Breath is marketed as an herbal supplement for people with asthma. It "supports healthy Lung Energy and Respiratory system," according to the website  selling it (for $65 a bottle of 60 -- roughly a month's supply).

The New York Department of Health and Mental Hygeine conducted the first test of Vita Breath after a patient turned up with lead poisoning in New York and reported taking it and two other herbal supplements. The FDA says it has obtained samples of the product and is testing them.

Vita Breath is manufactured by American Herbal Lab Inc. of Rosemead, Calif., and it's marketed on the Internet and at health fairs around the country. The FDA recommends that anyone who has taken the product — especially children, who are particularly vulnerable to lead poisoning — get tested. Lead poisoning doesn't always show symptoms but can damage internal organs and the nervous system over time. But stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss and bloody or decreased urine output all are signs of acute poisoning.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Generic Levitra Approved Online Pharmacy

Generic Levitra is a legitimate medication that works best in treating male erectile problems. Latest researches reveal that Generic Levitra has been observed getting popularity in the recent days as the best medication for treating male impotence. Similar to Generic Viagra or sildenafil citrate Generic Levitra works best in help the sexually stimulated man to get rock hard erection to achieve complete sexual satisfaction. A statistic report reveals that impotence or erectile dysfunction (ED) has been the most frequently observed sexual syndrome that affects the good going sex life of a couple.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) majorly interferes in making the sexually activated man to attain complete sexual satisfaction. Impotence has been observed as the most widespread sexual disorder that takes a toll on the perfect going sex life. Generic Levitra is the most powerful medication that helps in naturally treating male erectile problems. The basic component Vardenafil works by boosting the blood supply and relieving the penile muscles making the person capable enough to attain desired long lasting erection for the completion of the sexual act. Generic Levitra is a very safe online medication that can be taken with no prescription. FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has approved this as the safe and effective medication that can be consumed by men suffering from erectile problems. This approval has made it the most trustworthy medication that can be taken to get ultimate sexual satisfaction.

 The facts being Generic Levitra is the most popular form of branded Levitra that is offered in generic forms. The online pharmacies included in providing these medications online like efforts with best possible shipping delivery services next to your door step. Another aspect involved in making medications like Generic Levitra Generic Viagra and kamagra well known is the cost factor. These sexual inhibitors are offered over-the-counter at costly rates on the contrary online pharmacies including offers Generic versions of Levitra at extremely cheap rates as these pharmacies invest negligible amount of profits on the advertising and promotional activities this makes them capable to benefit the customers by providing them these medicaments at reasonable prices. Generic Levitra is the best online anti-impotence drug that has acquired great popularity worldwide the reason being its efficacy. Experts reveal that although generic Levitra is offered online with no prescription it is advisable to consult the doctor or a health care professional regarding your plan for starting off with the treatment. This will help to avoid further health related consequences.

According to the reports and survey made Generic Levitra is medicine and tend to show certain side effects there are cases where men have observed unusual side effects depending upon personal differences. Hence as per doctors’ suggestions it is always recommended to get a medical check-up done to know whether the medicine is suitable for your type of health condition. Also Generic Levitra is strictly forbidden for females and children. Only men facing difficulty in attain erection are eligible for the consumption of this powerful version of Vardenafil.

Beautiful women cause health problems to men

Beautiful women can be good for the eyes but a new study suggests that it can be harmful to ones health that may damage your heart. The effects are worst for those men who believe that the woman they want is "out of their league".A study conducted by scientists from the University of Valencia in Spain found out that a body stress hormone called Cortisol rises in level when a male is left alone with an attractive female in a span of just 5 minutes.
84 male students, together with one male and female stranger, took active part in the study asking each one to be in a room while solving a Sudoku puzzle.
Cortisol levels of each man were measured and it was found out that levels rose when a volunteer was left alone with the female stranger.
"In this study, we considered that for most men the presence of an attractive woman may induce the perception that there is an opportunity for courtship," the researchers said."This study showed that male cortisol levels increased after exposure to a five-minute, short social contact with a young attractive woman. It provides evidence that interpersonal interaction can influence the secretion of cortisol."
"That can have adverse effects on health as it worsens various disorders, such as myopathy, adult-onset diabetes, hypertension and impotency," the research team said.Long term relationship stress can also cause chronic levels of cortisol which may lead to impotence.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Diet Pills Are Here To Stay So What Is The View Out There?

There are countless different sorts of diet pills on the market now and, unsurprisingly the manufacturers of these pills say they work really well.

Start A Weight Loss Program Now

Do you think that you’re just a little too lazy to work out by doing some exercises? Unfortunately some are lazy, probably that’s the wrong portrayal of you, but do you think it would be less hassle just to take diet pills rather than lose weight by boosting metabolism the natural way.

Today the diet pills on the market are of many varying types. Just go to Doctors, Pharmacies or Health Stores to acquire them. To be able to offer a rapid and convenient way of toning the body down is big business.

In this modern age we demand immediate results which makes a huge inducement for the makers of these pills.

These pills are the modern-day approach to lose weight by supressing your appetite. Generally it is the individuals who want to get out of spending the time and energy doing exercises that take these pills.

Every one of these pills have different criteria in order for them to work. These rules puts a stop to the idea that you are still able to eat what you yearn so there won’t be any fast food, no oily foods, no donuts and no alcohol. If you get these diet pills from a health professional (which is normally the only means to obtain them), they will advise you to – yes – exercise!

An extremely essential thing to do when dieting is setting goals. Then to obtain that slimmer figure you need to find a product or method of your choice. How you do this – the choices are many from the diet pills to a weight loss program or simply changing your way of eating.

Pick A Weight Loss Program Today that will work.

The success of one person may not necessarily be successful for another so you can’t always rely on testimony as whichever method you choose the results may be different. It may be that the chosen plan is just not the best one for you. It’s just a matter of every inividual responding differently.

There are some risks when using diet pills, in particular the pharmaceutical type. Are you aware that some pills that, if overdosed, can have a fatal result. To achieve a healthy and slim outcome is terrific and a few of these pills may help you reach that end, but, quite often, the feeling of satisfaction and real health differs.

Although some diet pills offer some good points, you should also know that a few have really harmful points – choose wisely for your own safety.

It has been identified that a few of the pills are alarmingly habit forming. One could become dependent after taking them over a length of time. So, just like any other medical issues, it is prudent to consult with your doctor regarding your concerns. Do this for your safety.

Some diet pills also have a tendency to slow down metabolism and this is another concern. You want to get your body well, but some of these pills are inclined to stop the appetite which means that you will not eat the way you should. Putting your health in jeopardy is not worth it.

To boost your metabolism is the greatest means of losing weight, however, if you are sure you want to take pills, then absolutely obtain the right ones.

Diet pills are a really great way to launch a weight loss plan regardless of whether you are a fan or not.

The system you chose for losing weight is completely your choice, just be sure that it works for you. If you decide on diet pills then seek advice from your doctor if they are pharmaceutical or if they are herbal then find a good herbalist/naturopath.

Understanding of diet pills and using them accurately is the trick to beginning a new and healthy lifestyle. Remember that the pills are there only as a method of support which can be brilliant as losing weight can be a drawn out event, but they are not the utter “treatment”.

It is absolutely your choice, but use them wisely with a good weight loss program and enjoy a new and healthier you.

Thank you for reading this article – Click here for further information On Weight Loss that will work.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bob McDonnell, Virginia Governor, Cuts Viagra, Erectile Dysfunction Drugs From State Employee Health Plans

Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell (R) has followed through on plans laid out by former Gov. Tim Kaine (D) to eliminate erectile dysfunction prescriptions from a list of drugs covered by state employee health plans, where they had been since the beginning of their availability in the late 1990s.

The cutting of erectile dysfunction and non-sedating antihistamines, along with the creation of a a new 90-day maintenance drug network is expected to save Virginia $7 million annually in the state's upcoming two-year budget plan, the Washington Examiner reports.

Though Gov. Kaine had recommended last December that such medications be stricken from a list of state-provided drugs, the General Assembly agreed in March to restore their funding.

According to the Examiner, Virginia's legislature will meet for a single-day session this week to debate and vote on McDonnell's budget proposals.

Australian Cane Toad Sausage Cures Erectile Dysfunction

Brainbugs down under have stumbled on what to do with the menacing cane toads by grinding the evil little hoppers into sausage. The toads are notorious for their ugly and toxic nature and have been poisoning the local endangered wildlife.

Speaking of wild life during the testing of the processed toad meat it was discovered that the male subjects who consumed the delicious entrée became extremely randy and not only maintained their personal little hopper for hours but jumped on just about anything that moved. Always looking for a way to turn a turd into a diamond mine the Aussie immediately began to market the local snack though the name 'Big Bamboo' seems geographically challenged.

Russia has become a trade partner for the delicacy in hopes of revitalizing the minus population growth and Czar Putin has signed on to become the manly official spokesperson. 

Options for men with erectile dysfunction

A man’s ability to achieve and sustain an erection depends on the healthy operation of a network of systems that cause vascular tissue to fill with blood. Erectile dysfunction (ED) in men can be associated with a wide variety of underlying medical and psychological conditions including diabetes, excess weight, anxiety, surgery or injury.
We’ve all seen advertisements for “the little blue pill” that is used to treat this condition. A lot of men have found this treatment course successful. However, for many men, the pill does not work effectively. There are over 200 medications and many surgical procedures which can cause erectile dysfunction that can mean that medications like Sildenafil Citrate “Viagra” are neither appropriate nor effective. Studies show that 30 to 40 percent of men tested do not find medication helpful.
Many options are available for men when medications like Viagra or Cialis are not appropriate. Vacuum systems have been proven to provide effective treatment for erectile dysfunction. Vacuum systems have very few disadvantages while offering treatment success and avoids the side effects associated with Viagra class medications.
Vacuum erection systems can be purchased that are manual as well as battery powered. Most systems consist of an airtight tube, pump, and ring. This system creates a vacuum and allows blood to fill the vascular tissue. The ring is used to slow the release of blood flow to maintain the erection and is not painful. Vacuum systems are generally effective, safe, and can be used as often as needed. Vacuum systems can be purchased over-the-counter and several systems have been qualified for insurance coverage by many insurance plans including Medicare.
The first course of action is to talk to your healthcare provider about these systems and their potential benefit for your condition. Freedom Medical offers several vacuum erection systems and can work with both you and your doctor to determine the best solution for your condition.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Simply Slim pills not cleared

The National Health Department says new Simply Slim products must go through the necessary checks before it can be put back on the market. This, after the company recently re-launched it's weight loss capsules after obtaining an appeal against a ban on the products, pending further investigation.

The pills, which had been marketed as a complementary herbal weight loss product, was banned by the Medicines Control Council in February.

The council said some of the pills tested contained the schedule 5 ingredient Sibutramine, which means it may only be sold on prescription from a doctor.But Simply Slim says they have now manufactured new capsules which do not contain the drug.

The health department's Fidel Hadebe says though given the product's history, it will not be given the green light until it has met certain Council conditions...

"The MCC is of the view that the product must go through certain processes in terms of safety in terms of its quality. Because you can't just sit back and accept the simple argument that its a new product we are pushing now, when in fact there is evidence that the product in question has been giving serious problems for those who have been using it."

Meanwhile, Simply Slim's Lance Rothschild says they have fulfilled all the necessary conditions required for a company to begin selling a complementary alternative medicine product. He has added that they are trading legally and are surprised that the MCC says they do not have clearance.

USVI: Herbal sex pill pulled from shelves

Health authorities in the U.S. Virgin Islands are pulling an herbal impotency pill from convenience store shelves because it contains an ingredient that must be prescribed by a physician.

Eugene Tull of the islands' health department found that the VIM-25 supplement contains tadalafil, an active ingredient for erectile dysfunction in the drug Cialis.

In a Sunday statement, Health Commissioner Julia Sheen is urging residents to throw out the pills, which are purple and have the words "male enhancement" and "herbal supplement" written on its package.

Herbal methods to quit smoking

Even on the physiological front, smoking may harm people. Research has conformed that smoking is not only injurious to your health, but also is injurious to one's brain mentally. People who smoke frequently face many problems, like they have less retention power; they are not able to lead a happy sexual life and moreover they may face depression at times. So, people have started their way to cease smoking. To stop smoking is not an easy task, especially when one is a chain smoker.

One of the best ways to quit smoking is through herbal treatment. Using herbal methods will ensure that there are no side effects in the process. Herbal methods are very advantageous like; they are natural and they do not have any side effects. Herbal remedies used to stop smoking help one to be relieved of the addictive nicotine, and thus they are much in demand. Herbal remedies to quit smoking include natural herbs that make the smoker's nervous system retain its health and make it stronger. Some of the herbal remedies are really helpful in treating smoking, and thus they relieve you from how addictive the nicotine is.

Herbal pills: herbal pills are regarded as one of the best ways to stop smoking. These pills not only help one to quit smoking, but also, frequently taking these pills will assure good health. According to the recent survey, many people like to go with herbal pills to quit smoking. Many herbal herbs are mixed together and the mixture is then turned into pills which are easily available at pharmacies near you. So, one of the most efficient ways to quit are the herbal pills because they use all natural ingredients, which do not have any side effects on one's health.

Oat straw: Oat straw is another herbal remedy of its kind which can prove to be a good way to quit smoking. Its scientific name is "Avina Sativias" and it is typically found in the seed of an herb and hence it is a very good herbal remedy to stop smoking. It also reduces the effect of fatal nicotine and tobacco in our bodies, this helps our body in such a way that it remains fit. It plays a role of a mind stimulator and stimulates the central nervous system, which helps the body gain extra strength to end smoking.

Lobelia Inflata: Lobelia Inflata is a natural herb that helps reduce the effects of nicotine, and it also acts as a substitute for nicotine. It acts in the same way on the nervous system as nicotine does, and thus it is a proven remedy available to cease smoking. Thus, to be honest, the best way to quit smoking to go the natural way. Going natural is the way to quit smoking. Be natural and stay fit.   

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Erectile Dysfunction- A nightmare in your life

Erectile dysfunction is like a nightmare which can rock your life but like every problem it can be cured successfully but a lot of patience is required and one should be ready to accept one’s problem and take the necessary steps. Nearly 30 million American men frequently suffer from Erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction is sexual dysfunction caused by the constant failure to have or maintain an erection. The penis needs to be pumped with blood in order to achieve an erection but as a result of erectile dysfunction it fails to happen. When a man is aroused, his brain sends a command to the veins in the pelvis followed by the arteries pumping blood into the spongy tissues,

corpora cavernosa, spanning the length of the penis but sometimes the blood does not reach the penis and no erection is achieved, despite arousal. This may be because of some injury or disease festering on the tissues, narrowing of the arteries or inability of the nervous system to respond to the arousal. The reasons for Erectile dysfunction range from physical to psychological. A person suffering from a disease like Diabetes, Multiple sclerosis, Vascular or kidney problems is likely to suffer from Erectile dysfunction but he can be cured by treating whichever disease he has. Certain medicines, like the ones taken for high blood pressure, antidepressants, tranquilizers, may also result in ED and as has been observed over 200 prescribed drugs may render a man impotent. A number of surgeries and radiation therapies damage the nerves required for pumping blood into the penis making it virtually impossible to have an erection.

While physical problems may pose serious threats to a man’s potency, psychological trouble cannot be ignored either. Guilt, anxiety, depression and most importantly sexual insecurity can be concrete causes for sexual impotence. A thorough medical examination accompanied by a urine and blood test should be done to discern the cause and medical history of the entire family too needs to be taken into account. Duplex ultrasound may be required to study the blood flow and tests such as bulbocavernosus reflex test

may need to be conducted to evaluate the nerve sensation in the penis. Smoking and alcohol consumption should be strictly avoided and drugs like Viagra can be prescribed to boast the libido. If ED is caused by testosterone deficiency than hormone medication may be required. If none of these work than a surgery may be required or self injections, both may have several ill-effects on the health of the person involved. Vacuum devices can be used to pump blood into the penis and hence causing an erection. It comes with a plastic cylinder, a pump and an elastic band. The penis is placed inside the plastic cylinder and the pump draws air out of it while the elastic band, located around the base of the penis, maintain the erection.

Psychological problems can be countered through sexual therapy and by gentle caring and understanding of the sexual partner. Homeopathy and herbal medicines may also prove effective.

For More Information : Erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a failure to achieve an erection - Vigaplus

Erectile dysfunction is a failure to achieve an erection or when achieved, lost without completion of sexual intercourse. It a problem experienced by almost every man at some stage in life temporarily paralyzing his sexual abilities. But if it is not temporary and persists over a long period, infertility and psychological issues may be expected.

When a man is aroused his brain sends a message to the nerves in the penis, setting in motion a set of events, which eventually result in an erection caused by the blood pumped into the spongy tissues of the penis. This process, in case of erectile dysfunction, gets severely impeded and there could be absolutely any reason for it ranging from psychological upsets to physical problems.

The physical aspect of it includes injury to the bladder, obesity, testicular or spinal cord trauma or due to a surgery. Diseases like Diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Atherosclerosis or kidney problems may hamper the blood flow. Certain medications may also trigger this problem.

Psychological trauma like depression, anxiety, guilt or insecurity may upset a person to such an extent that despite getting aroused, he may not be able to achieve an erection.

If ever faced with the inability to have an erection, a doctor should immediately be consulted leading to a proper and meticulous diagnosis of the problem which should include the family medical history, a complete medical examination which will require a thorough urine and blood test, checking the blood supply to the penis.

The medical evaluation should not be avoided for it may escalate into a life threatening situation and some men do the mistake of considering erectile dysfunction as a part of aging, this should not be done. Erectile dysfunction can be treated at any age and if treatment is sought immediately it reduces the tension involved.  If it’s caused by an underlying disease, the disease should be treated properly. Herbal Drugs like Vigaplus, caliplus can be taken or hormone medication may be tried to counter the testosterone deficiency and increase the blood flow to the penis. Vacuum devices can help create a vacuum around the penis, enlarging it with blood. Through surgeries arteries can be reconstructed to stimulate and intensify the flow of blood. Paired cylinders are implanted in the penis and these cylinders are connected to a pump located beneath the skin of the scrotum. Surgery may effectively solve the problem but it can have a bunch of side-effects and it’s long term effectiveness is questionable.

In case, the problem is solely psychological than a much easier solution like therapy and counseling would suffice. It helps fight anxiety and insecurity leading to a much more confident outlook on night life. Libido boasters may be employed to stimulate the senses, arousing them and leading to an erection.

The problem of erectile dysfunction can be solved if a person is patient and willing to go through a proper diagnosis and take the steps required to solve the problem and by maintaining a positive attitude through it all.

For more Information: Erectile dysfunction