Nutritionist and speaker Isabel De Los Rios has developed a diet plan, called the Diet Solution Program that many fitness experts have cheered. Since many diet plans are accompanied by similar reactions the question becomes, does the Diet Solution Program really work?
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The first thing that dieters need to know about the Diet Solution Program is that it is not really a diet program at all. It is actually a plan for overall better health through good nutrition. Proper weight control is an important part of this to be sure but it is just that, a part of an overall program for health and fitness. In the Diet Solution Program, there are no strict rules about what, when, and how much to eat.
The primary reason that nearly no other weight loss programs work is that they attempt to impose the exact same regimen on everyone. Since we all have different body types, and therefore different metabolic systems, this just does not make sense. My body will process certain foods differently than yours will process them. We all need a plan that matches our bodies’ needs.
The Diet Solution Program, however, first shows the participant how to learn about and identify his or her own individual body type. After that, a diet plan is formulated which is based on this. The Diet Solution Program is a truly personal program. That’s why it works.
There really is no other program quite like the Diet Solution Program on the market today. With this plan you learn to understand what is best for you, not what is supposedly best for everyone.
In addition to the individual nature of the Diet Solution Program, you will also receive what might be called the definitive treatise on nutrition. The Diet Solution Program book exposes many of the myths surrounding so-called healthy foods. Many foods that we have come to believe are healthy, in reality are not good for us at all. You will be surprised.